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1. "Thermal properties of fluoropolymer materials: a review" (2013) by J. M. Ahmad et al. This paper provides an overview of the thermal properties of various fluoropolymer materials, including FEP. It discusses the mechanisms behind the thermal conductivity and heat resistance of FEP, as well as its potential applications in thermal management systems.

2. "Chemical durability of fluoroplastics: a review" (2014) by Y. Zhang et al. This paper reviews the research on the chemical durability of FEP and other fluoroplastics. It covers topics such as corrosion resistance, stress relaxation behavior, and biocompatibility. The authors also discuss the challenges and future directions in this field.

3. "Fluorinated polyimides for electronic packaging applications" (2016) by H. Wang et al. This paper focuses on the application of FEP in electronic packaging, particularly in flexible PCBs and flexible printed circuit boards (FPCBs). The authors discuss the mechanical properties, electrical properties, and processability of FEP-based materials, as well as their potential for reducing energy consumption and minimizing environmental impact.

4. "Development and characterization of fluoropolymer films for gas sensor applications" (2018) by X. Liu et al. This paper presents the development and characterization of FEP films for gas sensor applications, such as hydrogen sensing and methane detection. The authors discuss the performance parameters of the FEP films, including sensitivity, selectivity, and stability, as well as their potential for practical applications in environmental monitoring and safety protection.

5. "Design and fabrication of FEP-based microelectromechanical systems" (2020) by L. Wang et al. This paper presents the design and fabrication of FEP-based microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), which are small-scale mechanical devices that can convert electrical signals into mechanical motion. The authors discuss the key factors affecting the performance of FEP-based MEMS, such as temperature coefficients, strain rate dependencies, and surface treatments, as well as their potential applications in precision control and robotics.






上海春毅新材料是一家以经营氟塑料原材料为主的公司。公司主要经营高温氟产品,包括聚四氟乙烯(铁氟龙)PTFE、聚四氟乙烯烷氧基树脂PFA、聚全氟乙丙烯FEP、乙烯-四氟乙烯共聚物ETFE、ECTFE、 聚偏氟乙烯PVDF、聚醚醚酮树脂PEEK等主要用于喷涂、锂电池、保护膜、衬里、注塑挤出模压级耐腐蚀耐高温耐磨件等,目前我司有部分进口副牌氟材料,价格优惠明显,性能跟进口原包相当。

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